
Sub Account Dashboards: Support for Dynamic User Properties in Iframes

Kaili Wardlaw
Feb 12, 2024



👀 What’s New?

Now you can include dynamic user and sub-account properties in embedded content (iframes).

👷 How It Works:

  1. Go to Edit mode.
  2. Switch to Objects.
  3. Choose Embed.
  4. Enter the desired URL and add the required parameters.
  5. New Feature: You can now inject the Sub-Account or User Identifiers dynamically into the iframe source. Example: https://yourwebsiteurlhere.com/?user={{user.firstName}}
  6. Save the widget and then click on Save Changes for the Dashboard

🌟 Why it Matters:

This enhancement offers a new level of customization to your dashboards, allowing for dynamic content based on user or sub-account properties.

🚀 Important Notes:

We support various user properties that can be passed in the URL. Replace the property in {{user.userpropertyhere}} and add it to your URL. Supported user properties include:

  • companyId
  • email
  • phone
  • role
  • type
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • name
  • fullName

Example: https://yourwebsiteurlhere.com/?user={{user.firstName}}

For the step-by-step guide click here!

To learn more about how to embed external content on your dashboard click here!

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