
Shipping & Delivery rates based on States/Province in Ecommerce stores

Kaili Wardlaw
Jun 10, 2024

2 Min Read



Store owners who were selling products in a specific states/ provinces only within a country, due to which there was a challenge in setting up Shipping & Delivery charges. With this feature, store owners can now define shipping & delivery charges for selected states/ province within a country.

How to use:

Store owners can set-up Shipping & Delivery charges for their Ecommerce stores at: Payment > Settings > Shipping & Delivery > Add Zones. While choosing zones, user can choose specific states/ province in a country. Store owners can also set a conditional pricing based on amount for the specific zones.


  • Store owners can create differential pricing for multiple shipping zones based on states/ province.
  • Once a states/ province is added in a zone, it can’t be added to another zone.
  • While defining rates, delivery rates can be defined for specific zones according to the total amount in the cart. For eg- Free Shipping, if the order amount is above $500 or else, charge $10 if it’s below $500.


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