
Prospecting Tool – Lead Information of Prospects is LIVE! 🎯

Kaili Wardlaw
Mar 06, 2024

2 Min Read


We are delighted to announce the launch of a powerful enhancement to our Prospecting Tool – the integration of Lead Information for Prospects. With this update, users will gain access to comprehensive lead information directly within the Point of Contacts section. Here’s what you can expect:

Key Features:

🔎 Lead Information: For each generated prospect, users can now access vital lead details such as their role, expertise, and more.

🌐 Social Media Profiles: Easily connect with prospects through their linked Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles (if available).

📍 Location Details: Gain insights into the geographical location of prospects, helping you tailor your outreach strategies effectively.

📞 Contact Information: Access essential contact details including phone numbers and email addresses, streamlining your communication process.

How to Access POC Details of a Prospect:

  • Navigate to ‘Prospecting Tab’
  • Go to any Prospect Account in the Dashboard
  • Proceed to Point of contacts tab to view the Lead information
Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 11
Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 11

This integration aims to empower users with deeper insights into their prospects, enabling more informed decision-making and personalised engagement strategies.

To know more about the Prospecting Tool, click here 👈🏻

Have some suggestions for Prospecting Tool? Simply post your ideas in our 💡 Ideas Board, and we will prioritise your suggestions!

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