
Introducing Filtering reviews in Review Widget 🌟

Kaili Wardlaw
Feb 21, 2024

2 Min Read


We are excited to introduce a new feature in our Review Widget that enhances your ability to showcase positive reviews tailored to your preferences. With Filtering in Review Widget, you can now easily curate the reviews displayed on your widget to highlight the to showcase the most positive and impactful feedback from your satisfied customers.

Here’s how to access this Feature:

  • Navigate to ‘Reputation’ Tab in your sub-account
  • Go to ‘Widgets’ section and create or edit a Widget
  • In The ‘Layout’ tab, You can filter out reviews to be displayed using ‘Minimum Rating’ component
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 3

Key Features:

  • 📶 Flexible Filtering Options: Choose from a range of filtering options, including 2 stars and above, 3 stars and above, 4 stars and above and Only 5 rated.
  • ⚡️ Seamless Customization: Effortlessly curate the reviews displayed on your widget, ensuring only the most positive and impactful feedback is showcased.
  • 🔍 Intuitive Interface: Streamlined navigation within the ‘Layout’ tab allows for easy application of filtering preferences, ensuring a seamless user experience.

We believe that this new feature will provide you with greater flexibility and control over the presentation of your reviews, enabling you to effectively showcase the strengths of your business and enhance your online reputation.

Try out the Filtering in Review Widget feature today and elevate the way you showcase customer feedback! To Know more about Review Widgets, click here

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