
Introducing Enhanced Template Sharing Across Agencies! πŸš€πŸš€

Kaili Wardlaw
Jan 11, 2024

2 Min Read


We’re delighted to unveil a major upgrade to our Template Library, enabling Agencies to effortlessly share templates with one another. This enhancement is crafted to simplify collaboration, foster creativity, and promote the exchange of best practices within our user community.

Problem Statement:πŸ”₯

Previously, sharing templates between agencies presented obstacles. Users struggled with transferring templates efficiently across different accounts and agencies. Recognizing this challenge, we’ve developed a solution to empower seamless template sharing and importing.

Key Benefits:🀩 🀩

Effortless Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between agencies by effortlessly sharing templates, nurturing a sense of community within our platform.

Time Savings: Save time by eliminating the need for manual template recreation. Agencies can now import ready-made templates shared by their peers.

How Agency A Can Share a Template with Agency B? πŸš€πŸš€

  1. Access Template Library: Navigate to the Template Library in the Admin view.
  2. Choose Template to Share: Select the desired template.
  3. Generate Shareable Link: Click on the “Share” option to create a unique link associated with the selected template.
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  1. Edit Access Settings: Tailor access settings as needed.
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  1. Share the Link: Copy the generated link and securely share it with Agency B via email, messaging, or any preferred channel.

How Agency B Can Import the Template?πŸš€πŸš€

  1. Receive Shareable Link: Agency B will receive the shared link.
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  1. Direct Import: Use the URL directly and accept the template import.
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Security Note:πŸ”ŽPlease update access settings via the Share option to keep your templates secure. Exercise caution when sharing the link to control who can access it.

Important Note:πŸ”Ž Only Agency Admins can create shareable links.

We’re enthusiastic about this feature and anticipate it will significantly boost collaboration and productivity among our users. Dive into the possibilities and start sharing templates across agencies to elevate your collective creative efforts. Happy collaborating!

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