
Edit Email Snippets – Mobile App

Kaili Wardlaw
Jun 10, 2024

2 Min Read


We’re thrilled to announce our latest update to our Mobile Apps – The ability to edit email templates. Sub-account admins and users will now be able to edit email templates before sending them out. To make this happen, we have added a powerful rich text editor with the ability to turn text bold, italicize, underline, and much more! This update is available on HighLevel, LeadConnector, and White-labelled (update needs to be requested) mobile apps.

🚀What’s New

  1. New rich text editor: Bold, Italicize, Underline, Bullet list, and so much more.
  2. Edit Email snippets: Edit your snippets using the rich text editor before sending out the email.

👷‍♂️How It Works

  1. Open the mobile app with your preferred sub-account selected.
  2. Head over to the conversations section and start a new email conversation.
  3. Choose your preferred email template.
  4. Once you have chosen your email template, you can edit the content with the help of the rich text editor.
  5. You can then send out the email to your preferred contact(s)!

⭐️Why it Matters

This update finally allows users to edit email templates using the mobile app to be more relevant to their contacts.


  • HighLevel (iOS, Android) – v3.74 or later
  • LeadConnector (iOS, Android) – v3.74 or later
  • WhiteLabel (iOS, Android) – v3.74 or later
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