
Content AI – Internationalization Support for Content Generation and Quick Action

Kaili Wardlaw
Feb 12, 2024

2 Min Read


What’s New:

Introducing an exciting enhancement to our Content AI, users can generate content in their own language for example in French, Spanish, Japanese in all different places like Funnels, Website, Blogs, Email Templates and Campaigns and Social Planner.

User can generate in their local language with two options – Generate with AI and Quick Actions (Improve Writing, Fix spelling and Grammar, Simplify Writing, Make Longer and Make Shorter).

How to generate Content in Internationalized Language in Content AI – Text

  1. Go to Social Planner, Funnels, Website, Email Campaigns and Templates or Blogs
  2. Generate Content in your language of choice like Japanese, French or any other language.
  3. The content generate will reflect in your language of choice. It will generate variations in the language added in prompt.
When You’re Ready, Here’s How We Can Help:
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