
Communities – @everyone Tag and More Notifications

Kaili Wardlaw
Jan 23, 2024



Hey there! We’ve got some exciting updates this release to make user engagement even better

New Features:

  1. New Notifications:
  • Post Like – Post author will now get In-App notifications when other members of the group like their post
  • Comment Like – Comment Authors will now get In-App notifications when other members like their comments

2. New Broadcast Mention:

Group members can now notify every group member about a new post or comment by using @everyone mention. Group members will get both email and In-App notifications.


  • Added Support for In App notifications for the following events
  • New member requesting to join a group
  • Group joining request approved
  • Group joining request declined
  • Group joining request received
  • Paid group access revoked
  • New course available in group
  • New member joined public group


  • Fixed an issue of not able to delete two courses continuously from a group in certain scenarios.
  • This release brings significant enhancements to user engagement to help community owners keep the members engaged
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