
Communities – Dropping a Whole New UI and Gamification

Kaili Wardlaw
Mar 04, 2024



New UI

  • The new layout can be turned on from Labs.
  • The look and feel of communities has changed: Changed the default colours, improved the fonts to make it more readable
  • All fresh and more readable with the all new Reading Mode
  • We are introducing a Reading mode which will give more real estate while you are scrolling through the posts
  • This will make the transition from Discussion to Learning Tab seamless


  • Introducing “Gamification” – Points, Levels and Leaderboards
  • Points – You get 1-point when someone likes your post/comment
  • Levels – Your avatar and profile will display a blue badge with a number, indicating your level. Gain more points to move up to higher levels
  • Leaderboards – You can find members who earned the highest points in the past 7 days, 30 days, and overall
  • Rewards – Group admins/owners can choose to add offline rewards as texts. Example- Get a chance to win $2000
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