
Add Text, Stickers and Emoji using Image Editor in Social Planner 🤩

Kaili Wardlaw
Jan 11, 2024

2 Min Read


Social Planner has an amazing image editor with capabilities to add text, emoji and stickers to any images you would like to upload to your social media.🤩 🖼️

🚀 Social Planner -Image Editor supports functions of text, emoji, stickers, Transform to scale, crop, rotate, or skew your image for each social, adjust, refine using overlays and frames.

How do you add text, stickers and emoji in Image Editor – In Social Planner?

  1. Go to Marketing > Social Planner
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  1. Create new post from scratch or template library or CSV
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  1. Add the images to the post, click on the image and their will option of edit

In the edit model, we provide editing of image with cropping option, filters and adjustments. With the upgrade in image editing, we now support text, sticker and emoji

Note – We support font support of Arial, Verdana,Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script.

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Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2
Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2
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