
Ability to Add and View App Videos in the Marketplace

Kaili Wardlaw
Feb 20, 2024



We have introduced the ability for developers to add a preview video for their apps. Our customers can now view this video on the app details page to learn more about the app before installation.

What’s New:

Dev Platform:

  • We have added a new field for the app preview video on the app profile page, where developers can enter the video link (currently, only YouTube video URLs are supported).
  • Developers can add videos about the app’s tutorial, benefits, etc., to help customers understand the app’s capabilities and assist them in installing it seamlessly.
  • This detail is not mandatory for now but is recommended to increase app adoption.
  • If the app is listed as white-label friendly, the video will be reviewed by our team before the app goes live.

Sub-Account Level:

  • The app preview video is available for each app inside the app details page, based on availability. It will be listed as the first thumbnail in the app overview section.
  • Clicking on the video opens the preview, allowing customers to watch the video seamlessly.

With this change, we aim to provide our developers with the functionality to explain and market their apps more effectively, leading to increased adoption. This also builds trust among customers before installing the app.

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