
Recent Updates in Email Builder

Kaili Wardlaw
Feb 16, 2024

2 Min Read


We’re excited to introduce some handy enhancements to streamline your experience with our platform.

What’s New?🚀🚀

  • Test Email Button on Send or schedule screen: Added a test email button on the send or schedule screen for quick pre-launch checks. This automatically syncs with the entry in the send or schedule screen.
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  • Status Filters: Introduced filters on the list view, enabling easy sorting of campaigns by status (failed, sent, archived, draft).
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  • Campaign List Viewing Options: Now you can choose to view 10, 20, or 30 campaigns per page, customizing your viewing experience.
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Why It Matters?😎😎

  • Simplifies pre-launch checks.
  • Enhances visibility and organization of campaigns.
  • Offers flexibility in campaign viewing preferences.

What’s Coming in the Future?🤩🤩

In the upcoming updates, we’re focusing on further enhancing your experience:

  • Adding Defaults in Test Screen: We’re working on incorporating default settings in the test screen, making the testing process even smoother.
  • Page View Stickiness: Soon, you’ll have the ability to save your preferred view settings, ensuring that your page view remains consistent across sessions
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