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- Allows users to do a basic math operations on their date and numeric fields.
- Typical use cases are policy/license renewal workflows (where you have the creation date, and you update the renewal date by adding x number of days/months/years.
- Another user case would be if you want to keep count of certain things. For instance, if you want to count the number of appointments scheduled/rescheduled, you can create a numeric custom field, and increment the field each time the contact passes through the reminder workflow.
- You can also keep a count on how many times the contact has been through a particular workflow using the same logic.
* A more enhanced if/else conditions around contact date fields.
- With additional operators like, in the next X days/months/years. Or in the last X days/months/years.
- To pair up with math operations: you can update the renewal date with math operation, and you can check if the date falls in the next 2 weeks. And you could send a reminder email to renew their license/policy.
- Also introduced some basic dynamic date options to check, like today, tomorrow, yesterday
* A more enhanced version of date update in case of update contact field action
- Now users can update a field (of type date) of a contact,
- Using current date (today),
- Custom date — either use custom variables, or write down the date.
- Or a static date using a date picker.
* Added an option of Invoice due date, to the set event start date action in workflows.
- Based on this, you can create a follow up or reminder workflows for invoice due dates.
*Trigger execution improvements, where if a certain type of a trigger failed inside a location, all other similar type of triggers for that location used to fail. Now if one of the trigger fails, the rest will go on to execute as it is. This is only for similar type of triggers for same location
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